From practical
to deep

When words
are used properly,
they can actually
transport you
to a different state.
Shai Tubali
Most of my books have been
devoÂted to the transÂformational methods that I have developed. For instance, there are books that introduce the Expansion Method, the seven hidÂden powers of the heart, the seven chakra personÂality types, Chakra PsychoÂlogy, the seven-Âday chakra path, and Power PsychoÂlogy. However, there is a long list of books that are not method Âoriented, like The Journey into the Genius Mind, which has appeared in English, GerÂman, Chinese, Taiwanese, and KorÂean. This book is dedicated to inÂvestiÂgating the creative mind of the genius and to commuÂnicaÂting easily with readers who are not interesÂted in elusive words such as “mystical
transÂformation.” Or there is the soon-to-be-released Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Meditation, which introduces thirty-five meditations from all over the world with the inÂtention of showing that meditation is an essential activity rather than speÂcific traditional techniques. There are also those deeply phiÂloÂsophical books that are less accessible for most readers. I write and publish them just because I feel that they need to be in this world. These books contain my deepÂest metaphysical views. They include The Mystical Enlightenment of FriedÂrich Nietzsche and The EnÂlightenÂment of the Human Heart. The Enlightenment of the Human Heart conveys my most essential message, since it includes my underÂstanding of what it means to be a human being.