Shai Tubali

The Power of Now vs. the Insight of the Past

The journey of personal growth and healing presents a pivotal question: Do we embrace living in the present, as encouraged by spiritual teachings, or explore our past to understand what shapes us, as suggested by therapy?

The journey of personal growth and healing presents a pivotal question: Do we embrace living in the present, as encouraged by spiritual teachings, or explore our past to understand what shapes us, as suggested by therapy?

Exploring the Influence of the Past Through Therapy

Therapy recognizes a truth we all experience: the past continues to influence our present, following us like an omnipresent shadow. It’s a part of us, an underlying force behind many thoughts, emotions, choices, and reactions. Our future, too, is often a reflection of our past. Memories, with their mix of regrets, nostalgia, grief, and even vengeful thoughts, persistently echo in our minds.
The therapeutic approach advocates confronting our past to mitigate its control over our present. By carefully and compassionately untangling its impact, we allow our true present and potential future to emerge more clearly.

Embracing the Present in Spirituality

Spirituality teaches us to let go of the past, arguing that it exists merely as mental constructs and narratives in our minds. Spirituality urges us to recognize the past’s illusory nature and anchor ourselves in the present moment.
Spiritual teachings highlight a part of our being that is already untouched by the past and time, encouraging us to connect with this inherent freedom without delving into our history.

Integrating Both Perspectives

Which approach is correct? The answer is both. A synergistic method, which we might call spiritual therapy, combines these perspectives.

In this integrated approach, we accept that the past won’t vanish on its own. Pretending we can be fully present without addressing our past is self-deceptive. Our present is often an unconscious tapestry of our unprocessed history. Ignoring the past can lead to memory-driven decisions under the illusion of freedom.
However, spiritual therapy aims to revisit the past for liberation, not lingering. The ultimate goal is to settle in the timeless present, transcending the need to fix or improve our psychological stories. In this way, therapy and spirituality converge, leading to a release from the constraints of time.

A Metaphor for the Journey

Picture yourself at the edge of a tranquil lake, representing the present moment’s calm allure. Below the surface lie the relics and wrecks of your past. Swimming in the lake symbolizes engaging with the moment—feeling the water’s embrace, the sun’s warmth, and the rhythmic waves. Diving deep means uncovering your history’s artifacts, each holding lessons that enrich your present experience.You embody both the swimmer and the diver. The present moment offers life in its most unadulterated form, free from past burdens or future anxieties. Yet, the past provides insights for growth, revealing patterns that might have subtly controlled you.

The true beauty lies in striking a balance: knowing when to enjoy being’s simplicity and when to delve into self-discovery.

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This is a cruel paradox. On the one hand, our ability to connect ceaselessly and globally has never been stronger. The internet and social media have made us all inextricably interconnected—literally, we are caught in a web. On the other hand, as Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy puts it, these technologies have profoundly changed the way “we interact with each other.”

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The Power of Now vs. the Insight of the Past

The journey of personal growth and healing presents a pivotal question: Do we embrace living in the present, as encouraged by spiritual teachings, or explore our past to understand what shapes us, as suggested by therapy?

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